
Wednesday 5 December 2018

Superhero Writing

WALT: to write creatively

What i want my superhero to be like,

If i was to be a superhero, my name would be captain Maria, Also my superhero’s outfit would be Black pants,Red t-shirt,Blue cape,My logo would be a shape of an heart and the colour of my logo will be red and blue i would want my superpowers to be invisible.My transportation would be to clap my hands and then it will take me somewhere else.I would go somewhere far to where there’s a lot of dangerous things.When there is dangerous things i would use my superpowers to try and save the people that are near it.This is what i want my superhero to be like if i had one.

Today my literacy class had being learning about creative writing.In our writing we had to write about.How to be a superhero,A day of for villain, and 48 hours with Legos,

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Tea bag experience Maths class

We started of by taking the tea leaves out of the teabag and then Mrs stone opened the teabag and put it on the chair.After Mrs stone put it on the chair she grabbed the lighter and put it on fire while our maths class watched. 

The air inside the teabag was hotter than the cold air outside.The cold air is more "dense" this means the particles are closer together and they have less energy than hot air.This meant that the teabag flew up in the air.

Monday 26 November 2018

Inquiry Rubric

Image result for mondrian

(Piet Mondrian)

The 3 elements in this art is Line,shape and colour,(Colour) Piet Mondrian has used Yellow,Blue,Black,Red,and shaded Gray to put in his piece of art work he sometimes uses dark colours to put in his art work(Shape)In this art work there are 2 different shapes Rectangles and squares these shapes are often found in buildings and art works.(Line)Piet Mondrian has used a lot of lining in his artworks and has added colour to his lining.He also uses lining to make different kinds shapes in his artwork. Piet Mondrian is well known as the greatest artist in 20th century.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Attitude talk with Tony

Today we had our team 5 puberty talk with Tony,When you go through puberty you will start to grow in different area's of your body,One thing that we need to know is we are valuable to other people and,another thing we need to always keep in mind is to look after our body's and take care of our skin.

Did you know that there are four places where you don't grow hair?Guess what i learnt today, I learnt where we don't grow hair these are the four places where you don't grow hair.your palms,eyes,lips,And at the bottom of your feet.but everywhere else you grow hair if you're going to shave you have to make sure you're with an adult that knows what there doing.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Transformation Style

WALT:  transform shapes using reflection, rotation and translation

Monday 6 August 2018

Immersion assembly

WALT: to identify and use a topic sentence correctly

On Monday at immersion assembly every team had to show what they are going to learn for this term.The topic for this term is move ya body which relates to healthy 1’s video is about making sure you get some sleep,and stay healthy. Team 2’s video showed some Healthy Habits, In team 3’s video there one was a lot of dancing which is related to the topic.Team 4’s video was about the different exercises that you can do to keep fit and the very last Team 5 did not have a video they did a item on stage, The teachers in team 5 did Tai chi on the stage.Im looking forward to learning more about healthy bodys and many other things related to healthy bodys.

Friday 27 July 2018

Penny Circus Magic

WALT: locate and summarise key words in a text
 Success Criteria: I know I can do this when: 
 I can identify topic sentence and supporting details in a text

This week my Reading group has been learning about Ciricus Magic and things that they like to do there.There are some people that are disabled and not disabled and there are many things they learn at Ciricus Magic.

Sustaining Ourselves

Sustaining Ourselves
We are learning to address the factors that can affect our wellbeing

Next to each of these scenarios write down which area of your wellbeing is being affected
- social/whanau, spiritual, mental/emotional or physical. You might find that they affect more than
one area

  • Going for a run : Physical

  • Playing a sports game with others : Mental

  • Going to church, the marae, temple… : Spirtual

  • Listening to your favourite music : Emotional

  • Eating fresh fruit and vegetables: Physical

  • Learning from a grandparent or caregiver: social whanau

  • Taking part in a cultural club or activity:Physical,Spirtual,Social

  • Getting enough sleep: Physical

Imagine you are part of the following scenarios. Make a decision that will positively
impact on your wellbeing and note which aspect of your wellbeing is affected.

You and your older brother have been given some money to buy food for you and your younger siblings
for the next few days. You are tempted to buy take away, but you have to buy enough food for breakfast
, lunch (for school/pre-school) and dinner for two days.:Social, physical

You are having a really bad day and feel yourself getting angry and upset. You had a small argument with
a friend earlier in the day, but you are now really angry at them. The bell will be ringing in ten minutes and
you will have to sit next to this friend. What could you do?:  Mental,Emotional

You have just changed schools and are missing your old friend and activities. At your old school you played
for the school rugby team, but you have not played sport here, except for in P.E.Physical

You are Tongan, but your parents were born and grew up in New Zealand. They taught you English since you were born so that you would find New Zealand life easier, but they did not teach you much Tongan. At schoolyou see other students speaking Tongan and participating in Tongan clubs and dancing. Although you feel happy in New Zealand, you wish you could connect your tongan roots.:Physical,Spiritual,Mental

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Dangerous Decimals

WALT:  Identify the difference between fractions and decimals
          Dangerous Decimals
We are learning to identify the relationship
between fractions and decimals

Decimals are fractions of 1 whole.
0.1 is 1/10.
0.01 is 1/100.

What is 2/10 as a decimal?0.2

What is 6/10 as a decimal?0.6

What is 7/100 as a decimal?0.07

What is 18/100 as a decimal?0.18

What is 1/1000 as a decimal?0.001

What is 7/1000 as a decimal?0.007

What is 24/100 as a decimal?0.24

What is 55/100 as decimal?0.55

What is 12/10 as a decimal?0.12

0.5 + 0.3 =0.8

0.6 + 0.2 =0.8

0.7 + 0.5 =0.12

0.5 - 0.1 =0.4

0.3 + 0.9 =0.12

5/10 + 0.5 =1 whole

1/10 + 0.47 =0.57

5/100 + 0.21 =21.05

Monday Mornings

 WALT: make inferences from a text

Un-washable Truck

 WALT: make inferences from a text

Dangerous Decimals

            Dangerous Decimals
We are learning to identify the relationship
between fractions and decimals

What is 1/10 as a decimal?0.1

What is 4/10 as a decimal?0.4

What is 1/100 as a decimal?0.01

What is 9/100 as a decimal?0.09

What is 1/1000 as a decimal?0.001

What is 7/1000 as a decimal?0.007

What is 24/100 as a decimal?0.24

What is 55/100 as decimal?0.55

What is 12/10 as a decimal?0.12

0.5 + 0.3 =0.8

0.6 + 0.2 =0.8

0.7 + 0.5 =0.12

0.3 + 0.2 =0.5

5/10 + 0.5 =1 whole

1/10 + 0.4 =0.5

5/100 + 0.21 =0.3

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Sentence Combining

 WALT: to combine sentences

Letter to Mr Van Horn

My name is Penny and I am 12 years old. I was born in Cook islands and have eight siblings.
I am the 2 youngest in my family. My brothers and sisters names are…..
Tj,Angel,Robin,Kamire,Joseph,Mataroa,Nathaniel.I enjoy been with my siblings
because they make me laugh and we like to play with each other when we are bored.
I am so grateful to have a twin sister because she is a blessing and her name is angel she is the oldest by 10 minutes.Me and my twin sister got brought up in a church and my other siblings got brought up back in the islands.How would you feel if you had a twin?

My favourite sports are Rugby, Tag and Netball.
Netball was my first sport i played i was nervous at first but then i got use to playing.
My main position was GA because i was very good at playing that position and also i really loved.
Playing GA because you can shoot the ball into the hoop and defend the player your playing against.
But the most thing i hate about netball is that when a girl pushes you over and then your team mate’s
start laughing.If you played netball what position would you play?

My favourite subject is Reading because you get to learn heaps of new things.What i don’t like is maths because it is very boring.My Goal is to make sure i get up early and get to school before 8:30 and when it hits 8:30 i go into the street and sit down and listen to what is going to happen during the day.My other goal is try not to get in trouble a lot  from the teacher and not to get into fights with other people.Then help the little kids to be nice to each other and don’t fight over something that’s not worth fighting over.That’s what i want my goals to be like when its school.

Best wishes to you in the future

Monday 18 June 2018


WALT: recognise cause and effect in a text Success Criteria: I know I can do this when: I can identify and explain friction and its impact on my daily life

Thursday 7 June 2018


WALT:  Find fractions of a whole

Fresh fractions

WALT:  add and subtract fractions

What is 1/4 of 4?  1

What is ¼ of 8?    2

What is ⅓ of 6?    2

What is 2/6 of 12?  4

What is ¼ of 20?   5

What is 1/10 of 20 ?  2

What is ⅔ of 30?  20

What is ⅕ of 25?   5

5 of my friends are sharing a large chocolate bar.
What fraction of the bar would they get each?   ⅕ each

4 of us are sharing a chocolate cake. What do we cut it up into?

12 of us are sharing a chocolate cake. What do we cut it up into?

I have 5/16 of a cake at a birthday party.
I keep going back for more and eat another  6/16 of a cake.

What fraction of a cake have I eaten altogether?
I have 10/21 of a cake left over from the party.
Then I give 6/21 of a cake to my sisters.
What fraction of a cake do I have left over?

⅓ + ⅔ = 1

¾ + ¾ = 1 2/4

⅕ + ⅗ = 4/5

⅘ - ⅗ = 1/5

5/10 - 1/10 = 4/10

55/60 - 40/60 = 15/60

12/20 + 17/20 = 5/20

Have a go at these!

½ + 3/4 =  1 1/4

2/6 + ⅔ = 1

⅕ + 2/10 = ⅖

2/6 + 4/12 = ⅔

2/5 + 3/15 = ⅗

1/9 + 1/18 = ⅙

2/9 + 4/18 = 4/9

Fraction finale

Fraction Finale

I want to add ½ with ¼. First I change ½ to    then I add

⅓ + ⅙. ⅓ =  2/6 + ⅙ = 3/6 or 1/2

¼ + ⅛.  ¼ = 2/8 + ⅛ = 3/8

How can I change ⅔ into sixths ( 4/6)?

How can I change ⅔ into twelfths ( 8/12)

⅓ + ¼ = 7/12

⅓ +  ¼ = 7/12

⅓ + ⅕ = 8/15

⅓ +  ⅕ =8/15

⅙ + ⅛ = 7/24
⅙ + ⅛ = 7/24

⅓ + 1/7 = 10/21

¼ + ⅕ = 9/20

⅓ + ⅖ = 11/15

1/10 + 1/100 = 11/100

1/10 + 1/1000 = 101/1000

Monday 21 May 2018


Equivalent Fractions!
We are learning to add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators.

What is ½ of ¼?1/8

What is ⅓ of ⅕?1/15

What is ½ of 20?10

What is ⅕ of 20?4

What is ⅓ of 30?10

What is ⅘ of 20?16

½ + ½ =1 whole

5/12 + 4/12 =3/4

½ + ¼ =3/4

⅓ + ⅙ =1/2

¼ + ⅛ =3/8

¼ + ⅝ =7/8

¼ + 3/16 =7/16

⅕ + 1/30 =7/30

Levi has ¾ of a bag of lollies. If he is given another 3/12 of a bag, what fraction of a bag will he have? 1 whole

If there were 32 lollies in the whole bag, how many lollies does Levi have?32 lollies

Bob has a 3 3/4 metre of length of wood. He cuts off 2 1/3 metres.
What length of wood is left? 1 5/12